What Is Bullying?
"Bullying is any unwanted aggressive behavior(s) by another youth or groups of youths that involves an observed or perceived power imbalance and is repeated multiple times or is highly likely to be repeated. Bullying may inflict harm or distress on the targeted youth including physical, psychological, social, or educational harm." -cdc.gov
Physical Bullying
Any physical contact that hurts a person like hitting, kicking, or punching is considered physical bullying. This behavior can by executed by a single bully, or in groups.
Social Alienation
Pointing out differences in others, and excluding them from groups and activities. This type of bullying is very destructive in that there is typically a severe power imbalance.
Girls and Boys
Experience similar rates of:
- Threats
- Being forced to do things they don't want to do
- Damage to property
-u.s. dept of justice
Verbal Bullying
Name calling, jokes about or offensive remarks about a person's religion, gender, ethnicity, appearance, or socioeconomic status is considered verbal bullying.
Intimidation Bullying
Using threats to frighten someone or to manipulate behavior. Intimidation is often used in conjunction with other forms of bullying, and very often leads to physical bullying.
More likely to experience:
- Physical bullying
-u.s dept of justice
Indirect Bullying
Excluding others from a group, or spreading lies, secrets, rumors, or exaggerated stories about someone. This type of bullying can be passive, or aggressive in nature.
Cyber Bullying
Sending pictures, messages, or information using electronic media, computers, and cell phones. This form of bullying typically has no boundaries, and is one of the hardest to prevent.
More likely to experience:
- Verbal bullying
- Rumor-spreading
- Exclusion
- Cyber-bullying
-u.s. dept of justice